Photography Exhibition: Out & About

Fellowship House 136a Willifield Way, London

The Photography in London group is currently holding an exhibition of 36 photographs on the theme ‘Out and About’ at Fellowship House. Entry is free. The exhibition will run till the end of August.

Open Day

HGS Free Church North Square, London

Discover the world of learning and friendship at HGS u3a. If you are looking to enrich your life, expand your horizons and meet new people, then join us. Hear from the group leaders. Over 60 activities for you to enjoy!

Annual Festive Tea

HGS Free Church North Square, London

FULLY BOOKED This is the perfect opportunity to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. Enjoy performances by our talented music groups, and be inspired by exhibits from our art and craft groups. We look forward to celebrating the season together!

Monthly Talk: Museum without Walls

HGS Free Church North Square, London

PLEASE NOTE that due to problems with the heating system at the Church this event will take place at the FREE CHURCH HALL in Northway Speaker: Judy Smith. Chair HGS Heritage Virtual Museum The Virtual Museum was founded in 2018 when it became apparent that establishing a physical museum would be unfeasible due to cost

Monthly Talk: Gandhi vs Churchill:  Triumph and Disaster at the End of the Raj

Speaker: Peter Popham, Author While Stalin and Hitler caused immense destruction, a modest Indian, defying Churchill, liberated the British Empire's crown jewel without violence. Peter Popham will examine how Gandhi achieved this, and what his legacy is today. Why was Churchill, effective in war, powerless to stop him? Peter Popham, based in London, developed a