Computers, Science & Technology

Astronomy — Our Solar System & Beyond the Stars

Leaders: Lester Hillman & Andrew Rennie

A non-technical exploration of the wonders of space and the universe. Contributions from members encouraged.

Monday 1 July: Craterology — How features beyond the Earth get their names, types of names, rules, quirks, names linked close to the HGS doorstep.

Monday 19 August: Astronomical walk in daylight led by Lester Hillman — Highgate environs in the steps of Yuri Gagarin 1961.

Monday 9 September: Our Solar System  with Andrew Rennie — A family lost in space.

  • When: Monday afternoon
  • Frequency: Usually first Monday of the month
  • Location: Elders Vestry, HGS Free Church, North Square, NW11 7AG (except when a walk is planned)
  • Please contact the joint groups organisers to join or for more information

Computer Support

If you would welcome some help with basic computing skills such as:

  • Accessing and browsing the Internet
  • Setting up an email account and sending emails
  • Hosting or attending Zoom or Skype meetings
  • Creating and saving files
  • Opening attachments
  • Internet banking and payments
  • Security and passwords

We are pleased to announce that Mr Neng Chong, Computer Specialist, is available to our members, to deal with basic computing, such as email, Internet, dealing with attachments, etc.

  • Neng is offering one-on-one support by email and video conferencing. Neng will also help with setting up and using Skype and Zoom.
  • Please book via the Contact Page

Science, Nature and Technology

Leader:  Richard Abramson

We plan to cover a miscellany of science and technology topics, dependent on the knowledge and interest of available speakers. Ideas for related activities — trips out, guest talks, etc., will also be explored.

No prior knowledge of science is required.

Meetings and outings will be arranged as opportunities arise, and due notice will be sent to all members of the group.  Suggestions for speakers or outings may be sent to the group leader via .