Meetings & Events

Monthly Talks

Our Monthly Talks at HGS U3A are open to members, with non-members welcome for a free taster session. Members can bring a carer free of charge. The venue, HGS Free Church (North Square, NW11 7AG), is accessible with a ramp and toilet facilities. Doors open at 2.30 pm for socialising before the 3.00 pm start, with time to mingle afterward.

Next Talk:

Wednesday 21 May: Dr Marilyn Glenville—Good Nutrition for Older Adults

See full calendar of talks and upcoming events here

Recordings of Some Previous Talks

Previous Editions of In Conversation

Meet Other Members

If you’d like to meet other members of HGS u3a in a social environment, why not give Sunday Elevenses a try? Join others for coffee (or whatever you fancy) and a chat fortnightly at a local venue. Contact Marion Sipser for details.

London Regional Events

For details of events organized by the London Region of u3as, just click the link below: