New Members

If you’re an existing member or want to rejoin after a break, please visit the Renewals page.

Membership Fees

Our membership year runs from 1 September to 31 August of the following year. New members joining in July and August are automatically enrolled until August of the following year at the full annual rate. The membership subscriptions for 2024–2025 have been set as follows:

  • For members joining before 1 March 2025:
    • Individual Membership: £30 (£32 by cheque)
    • Joint Membership (two people at same address): £50 (£52 by cheque)
  • For members joining between 1 March and 30 June 2025:
    • Individual Membership: £19 (£21 by cheque)
    • Joint Membership (two people at same address: £38 (£40 by cheque)


If paying the subscription presents you with any difficulties, please contact the chair, Carole Spiers. For general membership inquiries, please contact the membership secretary.

Join Online

The simplest way to join HGS u3a is online. Just click this link, fill in the simple application form, and pay by credit or debit card. The transaction is handled by PayPal, but you don’t need a PayPal account.

When filling in the form, please use a combination of upper- and lowercase.

If you don’t want to pay online, download the new member application form, and pay by bank transfer or cheque as indicated below.

Bank Transfer

If you don’t want to use the online payment system, please pay by electronic bank transfer to the following account (and email to say you have paid):

  • Account name: HGS U3A
  • Sort code: 30-99-50
  • Account number: 48547162
  • Reference: Member’s name(s) and postcode

Payment by Cheque

If you are unable to pay by electronic bank transfer, we will accept a cheque; but this attracts a £2 surcharge to cover administration costs. Please make the cheque payable to HGSU3A  and write your name and address on the back. Send the cheque to the following address:

HGS u3a Treasurer
C/o 13 Holly Park
N3 3JB

Discounts and Transfers

Please note that HGS u3a does not offer a discount to members of other u3as. Also please note that membership is not transferable to a spouse, partner, someone living at the same address or across programme years.

Joining a Group

Once you have become a member of HGS u3a you can apply to join any group by contacting the Group Leader (contact details are on the timetable sent regularly to members) or you can sign up using the form on the Contact page, selecting “Application to join group(s)” from the Subject drop-down menu.  If there is a waiting list for a group you can still register your interest as a parallel or new group may be formed at a later date.

Where a group involves physical activity, members must be sufficiently fit to participate. In some cases, such as yoga and Pilates, participants will be required to fill in a confidential form declaring any health issues.

Leading a Group

We’d be delighted if you have an idea for a new group that you could lead or help to organize.  HGS u3a follows a mutual aid principle of all u3as and is run by members who volunteer their experience and time for the mutual benefit of its members. If you have a suggestion for a new group that you would be willing to run, please use the appropriate form on our Contact page.