Meet the Current Affairs 2 Group

Marion Godfrey sent this report about her very popular weekly discussion group:

May I introduce the Current Affairs 2 group to you?

We are a happy band of voluble, yet polite, diverse group of members interested in current events, politics, and moral conundrums (or is it conundra?). Meetings used to be held fortnightly in my home, alternating with my colleague running Current Affairs 1, Malcolm Brahams. During the pandemic, we have been using the HGS U3A Zoom facility to hold weekly meetings.

In my home, I was restricted to around 12 members, who debated over drinks (nonalcoholic!), patisserie and fruit… Luckily, however diverse the opinions, there was never blood on the carpet.  Now, I have anything up to 22 members joining me for lively discussions of current issues.

We usually end on a light-hearted note, for example, recently I held a news quiz — I suspect some of my group of cheating — and we have had jokes, anecdotes and there has been a great deal of laughter in these troubled times.

Lockdown London would have been so much more difficult without the technology at our disposal. I am so fortunate to have the best group of people and they all tell me how much they enjoy our sessions.