The scene was set for our local U3A’s end of year Festive Tea on Tuesday 11 December, with a full hall of tables festooned with decorations, scrumptious food, celebrating the different festivals around this time of year. Delicious freshly prepared samosas, doughnuts and mince pies were the order of the day.
Over 120 members of our U3A sat down to enjoy an afternoon tea and a full programme of music. Marion Godfrey, performed brilliantly as our MC, firstly introducing our own U3A choir ably led by the choir mistress Francoise Geller which began the afternoon’s entertainment.
This was followed by a mixture of modern jazz, and then a wonderful compilation of classical music performed by the London Flute Quintet.
The finale was a short medley of songs led by two of our members Carole and Jonathan Fenton, with everyone joining in. The afternoon was also a good opportunity for members to meet and socialise, some of whom were very new to our U3A.