The Wine Appreciation Group enjoyed its first meeting on 23rd October, when those attending were treated to an introduction to various grape varieties by the Group Leader, Valerie Cowan. There were five wines available to try, all distinctive in aroma and taste : the final offering was a chocolate flavoured fortified wine, which was very well received by everyone! Valerie is an erudite speaker on wines, having a Wine Diploma and being a member of the Association of Wine Educators. She has taught at The Institute and Morley College, and currently runs the City Lit Wine Club in Covent Garden. The group met again for its second meeting on 27th November, when a great time was had by all (but the less said about the Indian wine, the better).

The Group meets from 2.30pm to 4.00pm in a room made available by Alyth Synagogue. Members at present contribute £7.50 per session to cover the cost of wines and nibbles. There is no formal December meeting, but our first tasting of the New Year is on Monday 22 January 2018 (not 18 January as previously posted), when we will explore some of the lesser known grape varieties, and it promises some surprises!
At the moment there is still room for the group to expand, so if you are interested in joining, please contact Roger Cookson using the following form. Don’t worry about the formalities of wine tasting. You are free to spit (genteelly) or swallow as you choose (most of us swallow).
Shortcode [wpdevart_forms id=9] does not belong to any form. Form has been either deleted or shortcode inserted incorrectly.Report by Roger Cookson; photo by Myke Jacobs